Friday, February 15, 2013

Midterm Study Guide

For the midterm there will be vocabulary and one essay. Eight of the vocabulary words below will be on the exam and you must define all of the words. The vocabulary will count toward 40% of the exam grade.

Of the eight essay questions below, four of them will appear on the exam. You must choose one and write an essay with a clear thesis, historical context, detailed examples, and a conclusion. The essay will count toward 60% of the exam grade.


Mind Cure
Gilded Age
Plessy v. Ferguson
19th Amendment
Harlem Renaissance
Great Depression
New Deal
Pearl Harbor
internment camps

Essay Questions

1. Compare and contrast the views of W. E. B DuBois and Booker T. Washington. How do you think they would respond to issues of race today?

2. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century what social and political restrictions prevented African Americans from voting?

3. How did the concept of “buying happiness” emerge at the turn of the twentieth century? What have been the lasting implications of this concept?

4. Describe the Progressive Era and provide examples of successful reforms that occurred during this time.

5. How did notions of gender change during the 1920s?

6. What characterized the Lost Generation? Consider the impact of World War I.

7. What caused the Great Depression? How did America recover?

8. Pretend that you are living in America before the attack on Pearl Harbor—are you an interventionist or a non-interventionist? Make a case for or against entering World War II.

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