Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Proposal for Final Project

PROPOSAL DUE TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2013 [let me know if you need an extension]

The final project consists of two options:
1)    5 page research paper
2)    2-3 page paper with a creative element to accompany the paper

The proposal is worth 15% of the final project grade. You must submit a proposal and have it approved by me.

The topic of your final project is up to you. I encourage you to think outside the box. Be sure to pick something that actually interests or inspires you. You are not limited to the things we covered in class, so spend some time looking through the textbook or searching online. As long as it has to do with American history sometime from 1877 to the present is a valid topic.

To get started I suggest the following steps:

1)    Consider the time frame of the class and brainstorm. In your opinion, what is the most significant or interesting thing that occurs during this time? Is there anything you have a personal connection with? You will be spending a lot of time researching and writing, so choose something that is actually interesting to you!

2)    Narrow down your topic. Be sure that for your topic you have a defined era and a narrow focus.

3)    Find sources. You need at least three print sources for the project. Find books that cover your topic.

If you choose to incorporate a creative element, here are some broad ideas for how you might interpret a topic beyond just writing a paper: Artwork (painting, drawing, sculpture); create a video; write a song; writing (poem, short story, lyrics, play); food (you could cook something or  compile recipes); sports; theater; create a blog or website, etc. If you choose something that requires more than one person to complete it, you can work in a group. However, you each need to submit your own individual essay to accompany the project.

PROPOSAL: You proposal should include:

1)    Research question
2)    Why is your topic significant? Why does it interest you?
3)    What will your project actually be? Explain if you are just doing a research paper or if you will also be including something you have created, such as a story, video, or song.
4)    Would you like to present your final project to the class?
5)    List your sources

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