Due Tuesday, February
19, 2013
Answer the three questions below with one paragraph each (three paragraphs total).
1. Read these excerpts from William Whyte's 1956 work The Organization Man: http://personal.ashland.edu/~jmoser1/whyte.htm
Scholars have described this work as "a book that defined a generation." Answer the questions, how does Whyte define the "Organization Man"? Why do you think this book resonated with people in the 1950s?
2. Examine these postcards for Levittown (suburban developments built in the 1950s). How do they portray the suburbs? What might have been appealing about the suburbs in the 1950s? Summarize your observations and thoughts into one paragraph.
3. The suburbs have been the subject of popular culture ever since they came into being. What examples can you think of? Write a paragraph describing how the suburbs are typically portrayed. Do you believe these portrayals are accurate? Why or why not?
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