Due Tuesday, January
29, 2013
Read these two excerpts from A Moveable Feast—Ernest Hemingway’s memoir about living in Paris in
the 1920s. Answer the following questions with one paragraph each
What did Stein mean when she told Hemingway he
was part of a “lost generation”? What kind of effect do you think World War I
would have had on the youth?
How does Hemingway describe F. Scott Fitzgerald
and his wife Zelda? Does this description tell you anything about the culture of expatriate Americans living in Europe during the 1920s?
“It was when we had come back from Canada and were living in
the Rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs and Miss Stein and I were still good friends that
Miss Stein made the remark about the lost generation. She had some ignition
trouble with the old Model T ford she then drove and the young man who worked
in the garage and had served in the last year of the war had not been adept, or
perhaps had not broken the priority of other vehicles, in repairing Miss Stein's
ford. Anyway he had not been serieux
and had been corrected severely by the patron of the garage after Miss Stein's
protest. The patron had said to him, ‘you are all a generation perdue.'
'That's what you are. That's what you all are,' Miss Stein
said. 'All of you young people who served in the war. You are a lost
'Really?' I said.
'You are,' she insisted. 'You have no respect for anything.
You drink yourselves to death . . .'
'Was the young mechanic drunk?' I asked.
'Of course not.'
'Have you ever seen me drunk?'
'No. But your friends are drunk.'
'I've been drunk,' I said. 'but I don't come here drunk.'
'Of course not. I didn't say that.'
'the boy's patron was probably drunk by eleven o'clock in
the morning,' I said. 'That's why he makes such lovely phrases.'
'Don't argue with me, Hemingway,' Miss Stein said. 'It does
no good at all. You're all a lost generation, exactly as the garage keeper
Later when I wrote my first novel I tried to balance Miss Stein's
quotation from the garage keeper with one from Ecclesiastes. But that night
walking home I thought about the boy in the garage and if he had ever been
hauled in one of those vehicles when they were converted to ambulances. I remembered
how they used to burn out their brakes going down the mountain roads with a
full load of wounded and braking in low and finally using the reverse, and how
the last ones were driven over the mountainside empty, so they could be replaced
by big fiats with a good h-shift and metal-to-metal brakes. I thought of Miss Stein
and Sherwood Anderson and egotism and mental laziness versus discipline and I thought
who is calling who a lost generation?
Then as I was getting up to the Closerie des Lilas with the
light on my old friend, the statue of Marshal Ney with his sword out and the
shadows of the trees on the bronze, and he alone there and nobody behind him
and what a fiasco he'd made of Waterloo, I thought that all generations were
lost by something and always had been and always would be and I stopped at the
Lilas to keep the statue company and drank a cold beer before going home to the
flat over the sawmill. But sitting there with the beer, watching the statue and
remembering how many days Ney had fought, personally, with the rearguard on the
retreat from Moscow that Napoleon had ridden away from in the coach with Caulaincourt,
I thought of what a warm and affectionate friend Miss Stein had been and how
beautifully she had spoken of Apollinaire and of his death on the day of the
armistice in 1918 with the crowd shouting 'a bas guillaume' and Apollinaire, in
his delirium, thinking they were crying against him, and I thought, I will do
my best to serve her and see she gets justice for the good work she had done as
long as I can, so help me God and Mike Ney. But the hell with her
lost-generation talk and all the dirty, easy labels.
When I got home and into the courtyard and upstairs and saw
my wife and my son and his cat, F. Puss, all of them happy and a fire in the fireplace,
I said to my wife, 'you know, Gertrude is nice, anyway.'
'of course, tatie.'
'but she does talk a lot of rot sometimes.'
'I never hear her,' my wife said. 'I'm a wife. It's her
friend that talks to me.'
* * *
“Scott Fitzgerald invited us to have lunch with his wife Zelda
and his little daughter at the furnished flat they had rented at 14 Rue de Tilsitt.
I cannot remember much about the flat except that it was gloomy and airless and
that there was nothing in it that seemed to belong to them except Scott's first
books bound in light blue leather with the titles in gold. Scott also showed us
a large ledger with all of the stories he had published listed in it year after
year with the prices he had received for them and also the amounts received for
any motion picture sales, and the sales and royalties of his books. They were
all noted as carefully as the log of a ship and Scott showed them to both of us
with impersonal pride as though he were the curator of a museum. Scott was
nervous and hospitable and he showed us his accounts of his earnings as though
they had been the view. There was no view.
Zelda had a very bad hangover. They had been up on Montmartre
the night before and had quarreled because Scott did not want to get drunk. He
had decided, he told me, to work hard and not to drink and Zelda was treating
him as though he were a kill-joy or a spoilsport. Those were the two words she
used to him and there was recrimination and Zelda would say, 'I did not, I did
no such thing. It's not true, Scott.' Later she would seem to recall something
and would laugh happily.
On this day Zelda did not look her best. Her beautiful dark
blonde hair had been ruined temporarily by a bad permanent she had got in Lyon,
when the rain had made them abandon their car, and her eyes were tired and her
face was too taut and drawn.
She was formally pleasant to Hadley [Hemingway’s wife] and
me but a big part of her seemed not to be present but to still be on the party
she had come home from that morning. She and Scott both seemed to feel that Scott
and I had enjoyed a great and wonderful time on the trip up from Lyon and she
was jealous about it.
'When you two can go off and have such simply wonderful
times together, it only seems fair that I should have just a little fun with
our good friends here in Paris,' she said to Scott.
Scott was being the perfect host and we ate a very bad lunch
that the wine cheered a little but not much. The little girl was blonde,
chubby-faced, well built, and very healthy-looking and spoke English with a
strong cockney accent. Scott explained that she had an English nanny because he
wanted her to speak like Lady Diana Manners when she grew up.
Zelda had hawk's eyes and a thin mouth and deep-south
manners and accent. Watching her face you could see her mind leave the table
and go to the night's party and return with her eyes blank as a cat's and then
pleased, and the pleasure would show along the thin line of her lips and then
be gone. Scott was being the good cheerful host and Zelda looked at him and she
smiled happily with her eyes and her mouth too as he drank the wine. I learned
to know that smile very well. It meant she knew Scott would not be able to
Zelda was jealous of Scott's work and as we got to know
them, this fell into a regular pattern. Scott would resolve not to go on
all-night drinking parties and to get some exercise each day and work
regularly. He would start to work and as soon as he was working well Zelda
would begin complaining about how bored she was and get him off on another
drunken party. They would quarrel and then make up and he would sweat out the
alcohol on long walks with me, and make up his mind that this time he would
really work, and would start off well. Then it would start all over again.
Scott was very much in love with Zelda. And he was very jealous
of her. He told me many times on our walks of how she had fallen in love with
the French navy pilot. But she had never made him really jealous with another
man since. This spring she was making him jealous with other women and on the Montmartre
parties he was afraid to pass out and he was afraid to have her pass out. Becoming
unconscious when they drank had always been their great defence. They went to
sleep on drinking an amount of liquor or champagne that would have little
effect on a person accustomed to drinking, and they would go to sleep like
children. I have seen them become unconscious not as though they were drunk but
as though they had been anaesthetized, and their friends, or sometimes a
taxi-driver, would get them to bed, and when they woke they would be fresh and
happy, not having taken enough alcohol to damage their bodies before it made
them unconscious.
Now they had lost this natural defence. At this time Zelda could
drink more than Scott could and Scott was afraid for her to pass out in the
company they kept that spring and the places they went to. Scott did not like
the places nor the people and he had to drink more than he could drink and be
in any control of himself, to stand the people and the places, and then he
began to have to drink to keep awake after hew ould usually have passed out. Finally
he had few intervals of work at all.
He was always trying to work. Each day he would try and
fail. He laid the failure to Paris, the town best organized for a. writer to
write in that there is. And he thought always that there would be some place
where he and Zelda could have a good life together again. He thought of the Riviera,
as it was then before it had all been built up, with the lovely stretches of
blue sea and the sand beaches and the stretches of pinewoods and the mountains
of the esterel going out into the sea. He remembered it as it was when he and Zelda
had first found it before people went there for the summer.
Scott told me about the Riviera and how my wife and I must
come there' the next summer and how we would go there and how he would find a
place for us that was not expensive and we would both work hard every day and
swim and lie on the beach and be brown and only have a single aperitif before
lunch and one before dinner. Zelda would be happy there, he said. She loved to
swim and was a beautiful diver and she was happy with that life and would want
him to work and everything would be disciplined. He and Zelda and their
daughter were going to go there that summer. I was trying to get him to write
his stories as well as he could and not trick them to conform to any formula,
as he had explained that he did.
'You've written a fine novel now,' I told him. 'and you
mustn't write slop.'
'The novel isn't selling,' he said. 'i must write stories
and they have to be stories that will sell.'
'Write the best story that you can and write it as straight
as you can.'
'I'm going to,' he said.
But the way things were going, he was lucky to get any work
done at all. Zelda did not encourage the people who were chasing her and she
had nothing to do with them, she said. But it amused her and it made Scott
jealous and he had to go with her to the places. It destroyed his work, and she
was more jealous of his work than anything. All that late spring and early
summer Scott fought to work but he could only work in snatches. When I saw him
he was always cheerful, sometimes desperately cheerful, and he made good jokes
and was a good companion. when he had very bad times, I listened to him about
them and tried to make him know that if he could hold onto himself he would
write as he was made to write, and that only death was irrevocable. He would
make fun of himself then, and as long as he could do that I thought that he was
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